Get in touch

Start a business in a weekend.

Your journey begins here.

Learn to think, work, and build like a entrepreneur in just 54 hours at the Business Builder's Bash. This immersive event connects you with coaches, experts, and potential co-founders to help you achieve more in less time and maybe even launch your business.

You’ll pitch ideas, create business models, prototype, design, and validate your market, all in a supportive team environment. Perfect for students and community members with a passion for entrepreneurship or solving real-world problems.

No idea? No problem. Bring your skills in business, tech, or design, and come ready to collaborate. You'll have a great time, regardless of your experience level.

You don't need experience.



Working as a team, you'll find new ways to leverage your unique skills and strengths.


With this event, you'll gain a new understanding of entrepreneurship.



Meet motivated, like-minded people and future business partners.

No business idea? No problem.

No business idea is required to participate. In fact, it may be even more fun if you come in with an open mind!

Entrepreneurs conversing

Your idea, made real.

Entrepreneur pitching ideas

Step 1.

Pitch your business idea and listen to others' ideas.

Step 2.

Find a team and work together to research and create a prototype.

Step 3.

Share what your team accomplished and compete for awards!


We hold the Business Builders Bash every Spring at Auburn University!

Join our mailing list to be notified when registration begins.

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If you'd like to bring a similar event to your own organization, reach our friends at the Founders Playground to inquire about their Weekend Ventures program.

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